The Philippine Public School Teachers Association(PPSTA) 


The example shown on the following pages is not a mandatory format. It can be modified to suit individual State’s needs, For example, some States, based on their organizational structure, may find it necessary to add additional sections or combine sections to fit their management arrangement. Reviewers should have discussions with management prior to report preparation to determine the expected report content and format.

Each Regional Office may also need and request certain information. The National Office will provide instructions in a separate directive concerning data requirements for the Department of Labor. Data will be used in the Tax Performance System portion of an overall system of UI performance measurement known as UI Performs.


Reasonable assurance of quality was confirmed for Status Determinations and Status Posting functions. The Acceptance Samples for New, Successor, and Inactivation Determinations all passed the review which validated the effectiveness of the internal controls. The Systems Review, however, did identify a potential risk in the Status successor area.

The Computed Measures indicated that both New and Successor Status Determinations were completed in a timely manner. The percentages for New Status determinations were 81.2% made within 90 days and 99.3% in 180 days. The percentages for Successor Status determinations were 89.3% made within 90 days and 99.7% in 180 days.


Reasonable assurance of quality was confirmed for the Cashiering function. The Systems Review verified the existence of the necessary internal controls, and no risks were identified. The Acceptance Sample cases all passed, and the three verification tests also passed, which validated the effectiveness of the internal controls.

Report Delinquency

Reasonable assurance of quality was confirmed in this function. The Program Review findings indicated that all internal controls were present and operating effectively. The absence of risks in the Systems Review was consistent with no errors found in the Acceptance Sample cases.